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The Lunar Legacy Project has received media coverage from magazines and newspapers, radio, television, and even the internet. Below is a list of all media which focused on this project. Included on this list are hot links to all website articles that are still accessible. This list will be updated as new media sources are published or aired.

The New York Times ▸

Should Neil Armstrong's Bootprints Be on the Moon Forever?


New Yorker ▸

Dr. Space Junk Unearths the Cultural Landscape of the Cosmos


The Florida Bookshelf ▸

Why We Need to Preserve the Archaeological Sites on the Moon

The Atlantic June ▸

The Future of Archaeology Is 'Spacejunk'


Forbes February ▸

America's Space Heritage is Rotting "In Place"


ABC Net, March ▸

China's space ambitions, private US rocketeers and space heritage


NBCNEWS.Com, August ▸

Armstrong's death may speed Tranquility Base preservation



News, April ▸

KRWG Fm Broadcast on Space Heritage by Carrie Hamblen aired April 24.  


News, February New Mexico State University News Center ▸

Archaeology Researchers make case for Moon artifacts and New Mexico by Susan Prosoco

News, June ▸

One giant leap into the cultural heritage of Space, an interdisciplinary approach

Science du Quebec, Montreal Canada ▸

Congrès de la Société américaine d'archéologie, Les archéologues à la conquête de l'espace


Discovering Archaeology Magazine 

"One Small Step for Man, One Giant Job For Archaeologists," by Michael A. Stowe, October 2000. pp. 11.


Las Cruces Sun News

" NMSU Grad Students Launch Effort to Protect Moon Landing Site"

October 1, 2000. pp. A4.



Reflections "Nominating & Preserving Apollo 11 Landing Site Tranquility Base

(On The Moon) As The First Historic Landmark And World Heritage Site On A Celestial Body"

North Platte Valley Historical Association, Inc.  Quarterly Newsletter Vol. 1 January 2001


Smithsonian's National Air and Space Magazine

"Saving Tranquility Base," by D.C. Agle, March 2001. pp. 10-11.

British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) United Kingdom ▸

Congrès de la Société américaine d'archéologie, Les archéologues à la conquête de l'espace


Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) 

"As It Happens," with host Mary Lou Finley, aired September 28, 2000 Toronto, Canada



"Victoria Jones Show" with host Victoria Jones, aired September 29, 2000  Washington, DC



"Concerning New Mexico" with host Jorja Armijo, aired October 2 and 4, 2000.  National Public Radio (NPR) affiliate. Albuquerque, NM

KVIA Television

ABC news affiliate. El Paso, TX. October 7, 2000


KUDH Television

ABC news affiliate.  Scottsbluff, NE February 10, 2001

197th American Astronomical Society Meeting joint with the American Association of Physics Teachers

San Diego, CA 7-11 Jan. 2001 "Preserving a Lunar Legacy."


First Annual University Research Council and First Annual University Research and Research and Creative Activities Fair

New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM October 2, 2001 "Preserving a Lunar Legacy."


Space Technology And Applications International Forum (STAIF 2000), Albuquerque, NM January 30-February 2.

"The Nomination of the Apollo 11 Lunar Landing Site (Tranquility Base) as a National Historic Landmark (NHL)"

by Ralph Gibson and John Versluis


Tucson 2000 19th Annual International Space Development Conference, Tucson, AZ May 25-29 2000

"Tranquility Base Endangered: Preserving the Apollo 11 Site As A National Historic Landmark"

by Ralph Gibson and John Versluis


North Platte Valley Museum Quarterly Gathering Cering, NE February 10, 2001

"Nominating And Preserving Apollo 11 Landing Site Tranquility Base (On The Moon) As The First Historic Landmark and World Heritage Site On A Celestial Body"

by John Verluis