
2001 Interview with Apollo 8 Astronaut Frank Borman. Interviewed by Ralph
Gibson and Dr. Beth O�Leary in the office of Gene Price & Co, January 23, 2001
Mr. Borman relates to the interviewers his experiences as a Gemini and Apollo astronaut as well as his opinions on a few current space endeavors proposed by private companies and foreign countries.

1998 This New Ocean. Random House, New York, NY. This book is a comprehensive examination of the U.S. space program from the conception of NASA through to the Space Shuttle program. The moon race with the Soviet Union is revealed step by step with many facts and figures. The author very clearly details the larger picture of the U.S. space program, illuminating the forces which molded its evolution from a Cold War weapon to a somewhat benign instrument of scientific investigation.

1994 A Man on the Moon. Penguin Group, New York, NY. This book is a detailed look at the Apollo program from it�s beginning at the end of the Gemini program through to Apollo 17 and beyond. Mr. Chaikin gathered some his information from interviews he conducted with several Apollo astronauts and current and former NASA employees. There are many personal insights revealed by Apollo astronauts that one will not find anywhere else. This book provides a more human, behind the scenes look at the Apollo Program.

2000 The Fifty-Year War: Conflict and Strategy in the Cold War. Naval Institute Press, Annapolis, MD. This book is an exhaustive examination of the Cold War between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. Little is mentioned regarding the space race or moon race between the two countries, but it does provide the facts and historic details that would give a reader a solid, broad understanding of the Cold War.

2001 Lunar Archaeology: The Application of Federal Historic Preservation Law to the Site Where Human�s First Set Foot Upon the Moon. Masters Thesis, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM. Ms on file at Branson Library

1999 Apollo 11: The NASA Mission Reports, Volumes 1 & 2. Apogee Books, Toronto, Canada. These books give many details regarding the Apollo 11 mission. Included are transcripts from the post-mission debriefing in which all three Apollo 11 astronauts relived each moment of the mission, and a partial inventory of items left on the lunar surface.

2001 Apollo 11. Kennedy Space Center Archives. This website provides all the historic details regarding the Apollo 11 mission such as dates, times, personnel, and weights and speeds.

Houston, Texas This site houses most of the original Apollo Program documents as well as a partial list of artifacts left at the Apollo 11 site.

1961 Special Message to the Congress on Urgent National Needs. Speech delivered to a joint session of Congress. Washington, DC. This speech was the first step taken in the moon race by the U.S. With President Kennedy�s announcement, the United States was committed to the endeavor of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the Earth before the end of the decade.

2001 Lunacorp. This website details possible missions in the future which might destroy or damage the Apollo 11 site on the moon. This company has published plans to send robotic rovers to the lunar surface and to conduct historic Apollo tours.

Washington DC. This site houses some documents pertaining to the Apollo Program, as well as a partial inventory of artifacts left at the Apollo 11 site.

1967 Treaty on the Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, Including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies. New York, NY. This treaty, commonly referred to as the �Outer Space Treaty�, provides the legal basis from which the project team has made their argument. This treaty basically states that counties which send objects into space, the moon, or onto other celestial bodies does not lose ownership or jurisdiction over those objects. Hence, what is United States Federal property when it leaves this planet remains U.S. Federal property.

1966 The National Historic Preservation Act, as amended (PL 89-665, 16 USC seq) (PL 89-665 Stat 915, amended 1980, 1992) (PL 96-515, 94 Stat 2997). United States Congress, Washington DC This Act provides the legal basis for all historic preservation efforts by making Federal Agencies take into account the possible adverse effects of their undertakings on historic properties.