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JULY 20, 1969
Where were you when Neil Armstrong took humankind's first steps on the moon? What were you doing? Were you even born yet? Do you think that moment in human history is important? We do.



Who we are

This web site was created to expand the general public's knowledge about the Apollo 11 mission. Apollo 11 was the first manned mission of NASA's (National Aeronautic and Space Administration) Program to land on the moon. NASA designated this location as Tranquility Base. The "XI" marks the area of the first landing. The history of that moment was recorded live on television and radio. One sixth of the world's population witnessed the event as it happened. Many people know who the first person to step onto the moon's surface was - Neil Armstrong, but fewer know who the second person on the moon was Edwin (Buzz) Aldrin Jr. Michael Collins orbited above in the Command Module.

The "XI" marks the area of the first landing

The "XI" marks the area of the first landing

What did these astronauts leave behind?


This web site will show you and describe all the artifacts that were left behind by the astronauts. We are working on a map that will place all the artifacts, structures and features as accurately as possible, just as if we were archaeologists visiting the site today.

Our goal is to preserve the archaeological information and the historic record of Apollo 11. We also hope one day to preserve Tranquility Base for our planet as a World Heritage Site. We need to prepare for the future because in 50 years many travelers may go to the moon. If the site is not protected, what will be left?


Members of the project team 

Dr. Beth O'Leary

Anthropology Professor at NMSU


Dr. Jon Hunner

History Professor at NMSU


Justin Culp

site webmaster at NMSU


John Versluis

2000 Public History graduate (M.A.) at NMSU


Ralph Gibson

Anthropology Graduate (M.A.) at NMSU 2001
